Cantonese - Sichuan Fusion

Cantonese - Sichuan Fusion


* Chicken -or- chicken wings, 1kg
* Marinade for the chicken: salt, 1/2 tsp; white pepper powder, 1/2 tsp; soy sauce, 1 tbsp; liaojiu a.k.a. Shaoxing wine, 1 tbsp; cornstarch, 1 tbsp; oil, to coat, ~1 tbsp
* Sauce: Soy sauce, 1.5 tbsp; Liaojiu a.k.a. Shaoxing wine, 1 tbsp; Natural Peanut Butter, 0.5 tbsp; Chili Bean Paste, 0.5 tbsp; Furu a.k.a. fermented bean curd, 1 cube; white pepper powder, ½ tsp; five spice powder, ¼ tsp; Sichuan peppercorn powder, ¼ tsp; chicken bouillon powder, ¼ tsp; MSG, 1/8 tsp; salt, 1/8 tsp; hoisin sauce, 1 tbsp; Chu Hou paste -or- additional Hoisin, 0.5 tbsp; water, 6 tbsp
* Onion, ½; cut into slices. Half will be used to fry at first, half later to finish the pot
* Shallots, 2, quartered
* Garlic, ~4 cloves, smashed
* Ginger, ~1 inch, smashed
* Hot dried chilis – we used heaven facing - ~6
* Oil, to fry, ~4 tbsp

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Cantonese - Sichuan Fusion: