Rice Flour Steamed Bread

Rice Flour Steamed Bread


  • 1 Egg(50g w/o shell)
  • 70g~Water
  • (Adjust water to make a total of 120g when combined with the egg)
  • 3gOlive Oil
  • 80g Rice Flour
  • 5g Sugar
  • 3g Baking Powder


Preheat the oven to 170°C.

①Crack the egg into a bowl and mix well with a fork. Add water to make a total of 120g. Also add oil and mix well.

②In a separate bowl, combine rice flour, sugar, and baking powder and mix together.

③Add the mixture from step 1 into the bowl from step 2 and mix until smooth.

④Pour the mixture into a container, leaving the lid slightly open.

⑤Heat in a 600W microwave for about 2 and a half minutes. Check with a bamboo skewer, and if nothing sticks to it, it's done!

*Note that microwave cooking can cause the moisture to evaporate quickly, resulting in a dry texture. Be careful not to overcook.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Rice Flour Steamed Bread: