Spicy Seasoned New Potatoe

Spicy Seasoned New Potatoe


  • 500g Potatoes


  • 3tbsp Men-tsuyu (Japanese noodle soup base)
  • 2tsp Grated Garlic
  • 2tbsp Minced Green Onions
  • Ichimi Togarashi (Japanese red chili pepper)
  • White Sesame Seeds
  • Green Onions


①Wash the potatoes thoroughly with the skin on.

②Place the potatoes in a heat-resistant bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and microwave until tender.

Combine the seasoning ingredients () and set aside.

③Pat dry the potatoes and cut them into bite-sized pieces if they are large.

④Heat oil to 170°C (340°F) and fry the potatoes over medium heat for 5-6 minutes.

While the potatoes are still hot, mix them with the seasoning ().

⑤Serve on a plate, sprinkle with white sesame seeds and chopped green onions, and it's ready to enjoy!"

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Spicy Seasoned New Potatoe: