Snow Globe Cocktail

Snow Globe Cocktail


  1. For the Cocktail:
    • 2 oz vodka
    • 1 oz elderflower liqueur
    • 1 oz cranberry juice
    • 1/2 oz fresh lime juice
    • Ice cubes
  2. For Garnish:
    • Edible glitter or shimmer dust
    • Rosemary sprig (for the snow globe effect)
    • Cranberries or edible flowers (optional)


Step 1: Prepare the Glass

  • Chill a glass in the freezer for at least 10 minutes.
  • Rim the glass with edible glitter or shimmer dust for a festive touch.

Step 2: Mix the Cocktail

  • In a shaker, combine vodka, elderflower liqueur, cranberry juice, and fresh lime juice.
  • Add ice cubes and shake vigorously to chill the mixture.

Step 3: Strain into the Glass

  • Strain the cocktail into the prepared, glitter-rimmed glass.

Step 4: Garnish with Snow Globe Effect

  • Insert a sprig of rosemary into the glass, allowing it to stand upright, resembling a snow globe scene.
  • Optional: Float cranberries or edible flowers on top for added visual appeal.

Step 5: Watch the Snowfall

  • Gently sprinkle a bit of edible glitter over the cocktail to mimic falling snow.
  • Admire the shimmering effect as it settles into the drink.

Step 6: Sip and Enjoy

  • Savor the Snow Globe Cocktail, allowing the festive flavors and visual magic to transport you into a winter wonderland.

Embrace the holiday spirit with the Snow Globe Cocktail—a delightful concoction that combines the art of mixology with the charm of a snow globe, creating a drink that's as enchanting as it is delicious.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Snow Globe Cocktail:

Original Drinks