Miniature Watermelon Cake Decorating

Miniature Watermelon Cake Decorating


For the Cake:

  1. Watermelon (1 small, seedless, and round)
  2. Whipped cream or frosting of choice
  3. Fresh berries (such as strawberries or raspberries) for decoration

For Garnish (Optional):

  1. Mint leaves for a fresh touch

Preparation Steps:

  1. Prepare Watermelon Base:
    • Slice the top and bottom off the watermelon to create a cylinder shape. Stand the watermelon upright on one of the cut ends.
  2. Remove Rind:
    • Carefully cut away the green rind, leaving a cylinder of red watermelon flesh.
  3. Shape the Cake:
    • Trim the sides of the watermelon to create a cake-like shape. Smooth the edges to resemble a miniature cake.
  4. Frost with Whipped Cream:
    • Coat the watermelon "cake" with a layer of whipped cream or frosting of your choice. Ensure an even and smooth application.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Miniature Watermelon Cake Decorating:

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