Apple Rings

Apple Rings


  1. Fresh Apples:
    • Choose firm and slightly tart apples (e.g., Granny Smith or Honeycrisp).
  2. Coating Options:
    • Cinnamon and sugar mixture
    • Honey or maple syrup glaze
    • Powdered sugar for dusting


Step 1: Prepare Apples

  • Wash and core the apples.
  • Slice the apples horizontally into rings, removing seeds and creating uniform shapes.

Step 2: Choose Coating Option

  • Decide on your preferred coating option: cinnamon and sugar mixture, honey or maple syrup glaze, or a simple dusting of powdered sugar.

Step 3: Coat the Apple Rings

  • If using cinnamon and sugar, toss the apple rings in the mixture until well coated.
  • For a glaze, brush the rings with a mix of honey or maple syrup.

Step 4: Choose Drying Method

  • Air Dry: Arrange the coated apple rings on a wire rack and let them air-dry for a few hours or overnight.
  • Dehydrate: Use a food dehydrator to speed up the drying process.

Step 5: Enjoy!

  • Once the Apple Rings are dry and have a delightful texture, they are ready to be enjoyed.
  • Serve as a standalone snack, a topping for desserts, or a creative addition to salads.

Step 6: Store

  • Store the Apple Rings in an airtight container to maintain their freshness and crunch.

Step 7: Get Creative (Optional)

  • Explore different flavor variations by adding a touch of nutmeg, a sprinkle of sea salt, or a dash of your favorite spices.

Delight in the simplicity and natural sweetness of Apple Ringsβ€”a versatile snack that celebrates the essence of fresh apples and offers a wholesome and delicious way to enjoy this beloved fruit.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Apple Rings:

Original Desserts