Potato Chips, Trout Roe, Creme Fraiche, Dill & Chives Salad

Potato Chips, Trout Roe, Creme Fraiche, Dill & Chives Salad


  1. 1 bag (8 oz) potato chips (1,200 kcal)
  2. 4 oz trout roe (600 kcal)
  3. 1/2 cup creme fraiche (450 kcal)
  4. Fresh dill, finely chopped
  5. Fresh chives, chopped
  6. Salt and pepper to taste

Cooking Steps:

Step 1: Arrange Potato Chips

  • Lay out the potato chips on a serving platter, creating a base for the toppings.

Step 2: Add Trout Roe

  • Gently spoon small amounts of trout roe onto each potato chip, evenly distributing the delicate roe.

Step 3: Drizzle Creme Fraiche

  • Using a spoon or a piping bag, drizzle creme fraiche over the potato chips and trout roe, adding a luxurious creaminess to each bite.

Step 4: Sprinkle Fresh Herbs

  • Sprinkle finely chopped fresh dill and chives over the chips, imparting a burst of herbaceous freshness.

Step 5: Season and Serve

  • Season the dish with a pinch of salt and pepper to enhance the flavors.
  • Serve immediately to enjoy the contrast of textures and flavors.

Elevate your appetizer game with this Potato Chips, Trout Roe, Creme Fraiche, Dill & Chives creation—an exquisite blend that captures the essence of Nordic culinary finesse.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Potato Chips, Trout Roe, Creme Fraiche, Dill & Chives Salad:

Original Salad recipes