Chocolate Orange Bread and Butter Pudding

Chocolate Orange Bread and Butter Pudding


  1. Sliced bread (240 kcal)
  2. Dark chocolate, chopped (200 kcal)
  3. Oranges, zest and segments (80 kcal)
  4. Eggs (320 kcal)
  5. Milk (150 kcal)
  6. Heavy cream (450 kcal)
  7. Sugar (120 kcal)
  8. Vanilla extract (12 kcal)
  9. Butter, for greasing (102 kcal)

Cooking Steps:

Step 1: Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C) and generously butter a baking dish.

Step 2: Layer sliced bread in the dish, scattering dark chocolate and orange zest between the layers.

Step 3: Whisk together eggs, milk, heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla extract in a bowl.

Step 4: Pour the egg mixture over the bread, ensuring all pieces are soaked. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes.

Step 5: Scatter orange segments on top and bake for 40-45 minutes or until the pudding is set and golden.

Step 6: Let it cool slightly before serving. This Chocolate Orange Bread and Butter Pudding is a heavenly combination of textures and flavors, making it an irresistible dessert for any occasion.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Chocolate Orange Bread and Butter Pudding:

Original Desserts