Celery & Caviar Savory Tartelette

Celery & Caviar Savory Tartelette


For the Tart Shells:

  1. Puff pastry sheets (store-bought or homemade)
  2. Olive oil (for brushing)

For the Filling:

  1. Cream cheese (1/2 cup, softened)
  2. Sour cream (1/4 cup)
  3. Fresh dill (1 tablespoon, finely chopped)
  4. Lemon zest (1 teaspoon)
  5. Salt (to taste)
  6. Black pepper (to taste)
  7. Celery stalks (2, thinly sliced)
  8. Caviar (quality of your choice)


  1. Preheat Oven:
    • Preheat your oven according to the instructions for the puff pastry sheets.
  2. Prepare Tart Shells:
    • Roll out the puff pastry sheets on a lightly floured surface. Cut out small rounds or squares to fit your mini tart molds.
  3. Arrange in Molds:
    • Place the puff pastry rounds or squares into the mini tart molds. Prick the bottom of each tart with a fork to prevent puffing.
  4. Bake:
    • Bake the tart shells in the preheated oven until they are golden brown and crispy. Follow the recommended baking time on the puff pastry package.
  5. Prepare Filling:
    • In a bowl, combine softened cream cheese, sour cream, finely chopped fresh dill, lemon zest, salt, and black pepper. Mix until smooth and well combined.
  6. Fill Tart Shells:
    • Once the tart shells have cooled, fill each with the cream cheese mixture.
  7. Arrange Celery Slices:
    • Arrange thinly sliced celery on top of the cream cheese mixture in each tart.
  8. Top with Caviar:
    • Place a dollop of caviar on top of the celery in each tart.
  9. Serve:
    • Arrange the Celery & Caviar Savory Tartelette Amuse on a serving platter and serve immediately.


  • Ensure that the puff pastry is properly baked to achieve a crispy texture.
  • Use high-quality caviar for a burst of flavor and elegance.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Celery & Caviar Savory Tartelette:

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