Perfect Potato Candy

Perfect Potato Candy


  • Potatoes (2 medium-sized, 200 kcal)
  • Powdered sugar (4 cups, 1600 kcal)
  • Peanut butter (1 cup, 1500 kcal)
  • Vanilla extract (1 teaspoon)
  • Optional: Cocoa powder for chocolate flavor


Step 1: Boil and mash the potatoes until smooth.

Step 2: Gradually mix in powdered sugar until a dough-like consistency is achieved.

Step 3: Divide the dough into two portions. Add peanut butter to one half and vanilla extract to the other.

Step 4: Optionally, mix cocoa powder into one portion for a chocolatey twist.

Step 5: Roll out each portion into a thin rectangle.

Step 6: Layer the peanut butter mixture over the vanilla mixture and roll them into a log.

Step 7: Wrap the candy log in wax paper and refrigerate until firm.

Step 8: Once set, slice into rounds and indulge in this unique Potato Candy treat.

Savor the surprising blend of potato, sugar, and peanut butter in this easy-to-make, no-bake delight!

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Perfect Potato Candy:

Original Desserts