The Famous Chicago Dog

The Famous Chicago Dog


  • Poppy seed bun
  • Beef hot dog
  • Yellow mustard
  • Neon green relish
  • Chopped onions
  • Tomato wedges
  • Pickle spear
  • Sport peppers
  • Celery salt

Assembling Steps:

Step 1: Steam or grill the beef hot dog until heated through.

Step 2: Place the hot dog in a poppy seed bun.

Step 3: Squiggle yellow mustard along one side of the hot dog.

Step 4: Add neon green relish, covering the other side.

Step 5: Sprinkle chopped onions over the relish.

Step 6: Place two tomato wedges next to the hot dog.

Step 7: Add a pickle spear on one side of the dog.

Step 8: Garnish with sport peppers for a spicy kick.

Step 9: Finish with a sprinkle of celery salt.

The Famous Chicago Dog is a flavorful symphony of tastes and textures, showcasing the city's culinary pride. Enjoy this iconic hot dog as a true taste of Chicago street food.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook The Famous Chicago Dog:

Original Lunch recipes