Perfect Cowboy Butter Steak

Perfect Cowboy Butter Steak


  • Ribeye, sirloin, or your preferred steak cuts
  • Cowboy Butter (recipe provided in the previous response)

For Grilling:

  • Olive oil for brushing

For Pan-Seared:

  • Butter or olive oil for cooking

Calories (approximate): (Note: Caloric values may vary based on specific ingredients and quantities used)

Preparation Steps:

For Grilling:

Step 1: Preheat your grill to medium-high heat.

Step 2: Brush both sides of the steak with olive oil.

Step 3: Season the steak with salt and pepper.

Step 4: Grill the steak to your desired level of doneness.

Step 5: During the last few minutes of grilling, top the steak with a generous dollop of Cowboy Butter. Allow it to melt and coat the steak.

Step 6: Remove the steak from the grill and let it rest for a few minutes.

For Pan-Seared:

Step 1: Heat a skillet or cast-iron pan over medium-high heat.

Step 2: Add butter or olive oil to the pan.

Step 3: Season both sides of the steak with salt and pepper.

Step 4: Place the steak in the hot pan and sear for a few minutes on each side until your desired doneness is achieved.

Step 5: In the last couple of minutes of cooking, add a generous spoonful of Cowboy Butter on top of the steak. Allow it to melt and coat the steak.

Step 6: Remove the steak from the pan and let it rest for a few minutes.


Step 1: Slice the steak against the grain for optimal tenderness.

Step 2: Optionally, drizzle additional melted Cowboy Butter over the sliced steak.

Step 3: Serve the Cowboy Butter Steak hot, savoring the rich and flavorful combination.

Whether grilled to perfection or pan-seared for a delicious crust, Cowboy Butter Steak promises to be a memorable and delectable dish, perfect for your next special meal or barbecue.

*Recipe on video and text may differ from each other!

How to cook Perfect Cowboy Butter Steak: